The below reports which accompany the digital tools, provide deeper insights into the key trends and developments in sustainable finance globally, as well as an analysis of the ESG integration performance of the assessed asset managers.
This report follows up on the WWF-Singapore’s Energy Transition Framework in early 2023. The report assesses 39 asset managers’ approaches to addressing environmental and social risks in energy-related investments. The report is based on public disclosures made by the asset managers uptil December 2023. View / Download
The report summarizes the analysis of 40 asset managers’ disclosures on their implementation of responsible investment (RI). It outlines how these asset managers in Asia and Europe disclose against WWF-Singapore’s RI framework and how they can advance the frontier of RI. View / Download
The report summarizes the analysis of 40 asset managers’ disclosures on their implementation of responsible investment (RI). It outlines how these asset managers in Asia and Europe disclose against WWF-Singapore’s RI framework and how they can advance the frontier of RI. View / Download
During early 2023, WWF-Singapore conducted a baseline assessment of 42 asset managers’ approaches to addressing environmental and social risks in seafood-related investments. WWF then analysed the assessment result to understand how asset managers are currently managing E&S risks in their seafood portfolios, and where, specifically, additional support may be most needed. This report highlights key findings from this analysis, provides actionable recommendations for asset managers, and directs readers to practical resources to guide next steps View / Download
This report introduced the WWF-Singapore’s Energy Transition Framework in early 2023, which assessed 40 asset managers’ approaches to addressing environmental and social risks in energy-related investments. It provides context around why the framework was developed, the underlying indicators and sub-indicators the framework assessed and the key findings and recommendations of the assessment for asset managers View / Download
This report summarizes the analysis of 40 asset managers’ disclosures on their implementation of responsible investment (RI). It outlines how these asset managers disclose against WWF’s RI framework and how they can further push the frontier of RI. View / Download
This report summarizes the analysis of 40 asset managers’ disclosures on their implementation of responsible investment (RI). It outlines how these asset managers disclose against WWF’s RI framework and how they can further push the frontier of RI. View / Download
This report summarizes the analysis of 40 asset managers’ disclosures on their implementation of responsible investment (RI). It outlines how these asset managers disclose against WWF’s RI framework and how they can further push the frontier of RI. View / Download
This report summarizes the analysis of 30 asset managers’ disclosures on their implementation of responsible investment (RI). It outlines how these asset managers disclose against WWF’s RI framework and how they can further push the frontier of RI. View / Download
This report summarizes the analysis of 30 asset managers’ disclosures on their implementation of responsible investment (RI). It outlines how these asset managers disclose against WWF’s RI framework and how they can further push the frontier of RI. View / Download
This report summarizes the analysis of 22 asset managers’ disclosures on their implementation of responsible investment (RI). It outlines how these asset managers disclose against WWF’s RI framework and how they can further push the frontier of RI. View / Download
This report introduced the WWF’s Responsible Investment Framework in 2019. It provides context around why the framework was developed, its uses, and sheds light on the underlying indicators and sub-indicators the framework assesses. View / Download